‘What Long-Term Negative Impacts Do Colonial Infrastructures Still Have Today?’, Interview with Timo Müller (University of Konstanz), 18th July 2023
© Tororo, Urganda, 2010, U.S. Army Foto von John Hanson. No changes made. INTERVIEW The Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies (GAPS) recently elected Timo Müller as president. GAPS takes a critical look at European Colonialism and its effects. The complete interview with Timo Müller about postcolonial infrastructure can be accessed here.
‘Early Road Narratives and the Imaginative Infrastructure of the Automobile City’, Talk by Timo Müller (University of Konstanz), 30th June 2023
Conference Talk When: Friday 30th June, 11:00 Where: Conference “Making the City: Transformative Processes in (Post)Industrial Urban Spaces”, TU Chemnitz Organiser: Chemnitz University of Technology Speaker: Prof. Dr. Timo Müller More information here.
The OffRoad Project Welcomes Gilberto Mazzoli as a Postdoctoral Researcher, 24th April 2023
Welcome! Gilberto Mazzoli is a PhD candidate at the Department of History and Civilization at the European Institute in Florence where he is finishing his dissertation on “Portable Natures: Environmental Visions, Urban Practices, Migratory Flows. Agriculture and the Italian Experience in North American Cities. 1880-1940”. He started his employment with the OffRoad project in April 2023.
The OffRoad Project Welcomes Jannis Buschky and Melanie Frey as Doctoral Researchers, 1st April 2023
Welcome! Jannis Buschky and Melanie Frey are the newest members of the OffRoad project, in which they will be working as doctoral researchers from the first of April, 2023
Timo Müller and Joel Duncan at ‘Infrastructures of Racism and the Contours of Black Vitality Resistance’ Conference, 23rd-25th March 2023
Conference Timo Müller and Joel Duncan will be presenting at the ‘Infrastructure of Racism and the Contours of Black Vitality Resistance’ Conference, hosted by the Università di Torino from 23rd-25th March. When: 23rd-25th March Where: Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne Organiser: Università di Torino This conference explores the continuing and systemic infrastructures […]